I want to start this post with a brief introduction, because I’ve noticed a small gathering of new people have joined us. If you already know me, then just skip on down below the line.
Hi! I’m E. B. Goodale. I’m an author and illustrator of picture books. I’m also a mom to one little boy, I like to play piano even though I’m not very good at it, I used to work in a very tiny room (hence the name of this newsletter), but now work in a shared artists space in a big old building in Salem, MA. My background is in printmaking and letterpress and I’ve been illustrating books for about 9 years now. I have 11 books to show for it plus 4 more on the way. Most people know my book Windows by Julia Denos. That was my first book and I’m enormously proud of it, but I’m also really proud of my other books. Ok that’s mostly it. I love picture books and cats and crickets and cosmos. Next!
Most of my summer was secret. Well, secret from the internet. I have gotten to a point in my life where I don’t have FOMO (fear of missing out), but JONK (joy of not knowing.) I thought I just made that up, but I guess it is already a thing. Of course it is.
September always feels like stepping onto a busy sidewalk where everyone is moving quickly in the same direction. They all have shoes on and I am still barefoot from the little patch of grass I just came from. (The grass is August.) I try to keep up with the flow of traffic but it always takes me a little while to find my shoes. It’s September 6th. I’m still looking for my shoes. Are you with me?

While I look for my shoes, let me update you on a couple things. I’ve been settling in to my new studio space. A few weeks ago we had a life drawing night. I brought my son with me because my husband was out of town. We drew from a live (clothed) model, ate pickles and drank champagne. Well, I did. Auggie drew the model once, then moved on to trucks, touched a pickle to the tip of his tongue and quickly discarded it, and did not drink champagne despite it looking deliciously like apple juice.

In just a couple short weeks we will be hosting an open studio! That means all the artists (there are 12 of us) will be here to show you our work and our space. There will be music and refreshments. I will have books for sale and maybe some art too. If you’ve ever wanted to visit Salem, September is a wonderful time to do it. Come say hi!

Until then I will be here plugging away on my books and stealing back to little patches of grass while I can. I can’t wait to share more about the things I’m working on, and can’t wait to feel like I know how to keep up with the pace of the world again. My body is working and my mind is in a hammock.
You told me about having a secret life away from the internet months ago, and honestly I think about it ALL THE TIME. Daily! Thank you.
“My body is working and my mind is in a hammock.” Honestly I aspire to this. This and a secret life away from the internet.